2. Stakeholder Interview Questions
Questions for the stakeholders in a sector forstorytelling
"What interesting stories about the sea do you have ?"
"How do you connect people through stories ?"
"How do your organisations help people track family histories and who are the audience ?"
"What kind of programs have you got to gather people and encourage them to share their stories ?"
"What do you want to achieve through storytelling events?
"How do you get people involved to tell your stories?"
"How do you capture new stories of islands ?"
"How would you encourage or help people share their personal stories?"
"What do you want to achieve through storytelling events ?"
3. Stakeholder interviews in
the mainland
“ The benefit of speaking Gaelic language is that it will give you access in whole culture and rich tradition of Gaelic “
Professor in Gaelic language
in Glasgow University
" Note taking of radio makes intangiable history tangible by recording historical moment "
Brian Weigiman _ Glasgow Museum
“ There are many interesting gaelic stories from 1527. J.Fcampbell / Tales of the West Highland and people told stories each other for entertainment "
Brian Weigiman _ Glasgow Museum
" I think that to make children keep using Gaelic is important for their heritage and students living in the Hebrides speak Gaelic more than other island, but they are more and more losing it and they are just normal kids like other students. "
Professor in Gaelic language
in Glasgow University
“ I think that to make childrenkeep using Gaelic is importantfor their heritage "
" Over the world they do not care history, heritage, and the importance of speaking Gaelic and they are also more friendly with digital devices "
Professor in Gaelic language
in Glasgow University
Taking part in a workshop in relation to personal and Family history in Glasgow Museum
“ If you are just surrounded by buildings you might not more think about environment and nature, but if you are surrounded by nature, you are more aware of the damage and stuff ”
Maryam _ Student from Hebrides
“Story circle”, which is a group of individuals sitting in a circle, sharing stories. Through this circle, we found interesting way to involve people to start a storytelling, stimulate people, continue a story and record all the stories
The Scottish Storytelling Centre
“ I have relatives living in Canadaand they created a face-bookfamily page and actively run it asa way of recording of family history “
“ The local islanders share re-sources and it is normal for usthat everyone helps each other ”
Maryam _ Student from Hebrides
4. Stakeholder interviews in
the island
“ We open conferences indifferent places where it has roots of Gaelic to bring people together from different backgrounds to advance and share knowledge “
Alsyne _ publisher at Book Trust
Stornoway in Outer Hebrides
Isle of Lewis Local History Society
Isle of Lewis Local History Society
Isle of Lewis Local History Society
“ At the beginning, small number of local people started recording their own and family history themselves because they are aware to the importance of their local history and it encouraged people to treasure their history “
March Anne _ Isle of Lewis Local history society
“ There is a boat trip with a storyteller by sailing around from one island to another island the storyteller will tell you historical stories "
This local history society plays a huge part in binding localpeople and immigrant to othercountries long times ago. "
March Anne _ Isle of Lewis Local history society
“ Occasionally they come herewith their family stories and record them here “
March Anne _ Isle of Lewis Local history society
“ This is our everyday life. We invite people, have food together and talk to each other “
Ian Stephen & Christine Morrison
_ Artist,Sailer,Writer in Outer Hebridies
Ian Stephen & Christine Morrison
Ian Stephen & Christine Morrison